Customizing Webhooks

Layer5 Cloud uses webhooks to automate approval flows and email notifications. This guide will help you customize and add your own custom webhooks.


Layer5 offers on-premises installation of its Meshery Remote Provider: Layer5 Cloud allows you to customize it according to your preferences. In this guide, we will walk through the webhooks Layer5 Cloud uses internally to automate tasks and how you can replace them with your own custom webhooks.

Customize and add your own custom webhook

Layer5 Cloud’s webhook configurations are managed through environment variables defined in the .env file. Here’s how you can customize them:

Step 1: Locate the .env File

The .env file is typically found in the config directory of your Layer5 Cloud installation. This file contains environment variables that control various aspects of the application, including webhook URLs.

Step 2: Define Custom Webhooks in the .env File

Add your custom webhook URLs to the .env file by modifying the existing variables. Here is an example of how the .env file should look:

# Other configuration variables

# Webhooks
# Below is the list of webhooks that Layer5 Cloud uses internally.
# You can replace the values of these variables with your own webhook URLs.

# Triggers when a user fills the help and support form.  

# Webhook to send an email notification to the user when they receive a Meshmap entitlement

# Webhook to send an update email upon signup request approval or denial.

It is advisable not to change variable names to avoid potential conflicts. If you are customizing the remote provider to support additional webhooks, you can add new variables following the naming convention starting with WEBHOOK.

Step 4: Applying the Configuration

After updating the .env file, apply the changes to your Layer5 Cloud installation. This typically involves restarting the services.

Step 5: Testing the Webhooks

Once the configuration is applied, test the webhooks to ensure they are functioning correctly. You can trigger each webhook by performing the associated actions (e.g., filling out the help and support form, triggering a Meshmap entitlement, or processing a signup request).

Last modified June 13, 2024: Update customize webhook page (d749a11)